The Unemployment Insurance (UI) Integrity Center (Center) was established to develop “innovative UI program integrity strategies to reduce improper payments, prevent and detect fraud, and recover any improper payments made.” [] The efforts of the Center are managed by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), Center for Employment Education and Research (CESER) under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Labor (USDOL).
One of the Center’s current tasks is to define, develop, test, and implement a centralized identity verification/identity proofing service to State Workforce Agencies (SWA’s). This Identity Verification Service (IDV) will operate as a part of the Center’s Integrity Data Hub (IDH) and the output of the IDV service will be provided to the SWA’s along with other cross-matching and analysis from the IDH.
Purpose of This RFP
In September 2019, the Center received funding from USDOL to provide a centralized IDV service to address the need for SWA’s to incorporate identity verification into their UI claims process, leveraging the existing IDH infrastructure and processes. As such, the Center is seeking industry partner(s) to provide the Center with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) Identity Verification/Identity Proofing capability.
The Center is seeking a solution that will deliver a determination of identity validity based upon information presented to the vendor through the IDH. For this purpose, the Center is requesting responses from qualified vendors capable of utilizing their products and services with the IDH to validate a UI claimant’s self-attested information.
Reponses must be received electronically by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on December 6, 2019 at Questions regarding this RFP and additional information on the Data Hub technical architecture should be submitted to
Centralized Identity Verification Service
RFP Q & A's Part I :
IDV RFP Questions and Answers Part I
RFP Q & A's Part II :
IDV RFP Questions and Answers Part II
RFP Webinar Attendees
Identity Verification RFP Webinar Registration Link